Summer event
This is the Parent Council's biggest event of the year, taking place in on Saturday 8th June 2024 1pm - 3pm.
This is an event for our whole community and you can expect:​
Games / Stalls / Tombola / Bouncy Castle / Assault Course / Beat the Goalie / Face Painting / Ice Lollies / Hairspray & Tattoos / Home baking
This event is as big as our parents and teachers make it and we need your help!
There are two main ways you can do this:
We will be collecting donations for the tombola. Watch this space for more information about how to donate!
If you (or someone in your family) can spare an hour or two on the day, we can set up more stalls which ultimately means more fun for everyone and a greater chance of fundraising for our children. Please follow the link below if you are able to lend a hand.

There are many ways you can support this event.
We've listed some of these ways below but we always welcome suggestions that will help support the organisation and fundraising efforts of the Parent Council.

Attend the event
We can't wait to see you!

Organise the day
Can you help with logistics or spare an hour to set up?

Run a stall
More stalls = more fun!
Can you help out?

Tombola donations can be handed into the school office.

Drum up support
Forward the event details to friends and family!

Bring a friend
This is a community event and non-Burnbrae families are welcome.